February 9, 2025

5 Easy Tire Safety Tips

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Here are some basic tips on Tire Safety

Did you know that it’s possible to alter your tire pressure with a simple tool? If you’re trying to keep an eye out for puddles, or just looking for ways how to save money and improve gas mileage, then this tire safety article is going to be very helpful. One of the easiest things you can do when driving around in your car is checking your tire pressure by using a portable air gauge.

It’s one of those little gadgets that can help save you hundreds of dollars every year if used correctly. And although many people think that adjusting their tires’ air pressure will make them safer on the road, this isn’t true at all and there are several reasons why changing the air pressure in your tires won’t change anything about safety when driving.

The reason why most drivers think that having more air in their tires makes them safer on the road has to do with something called “rolling resistance”.

Tire Safety

This rolling resistance arises from three main factors: friction  in the tires, rolling friction in the wheel bearings and the effects of air pressure on the tire. The higher your tire pressure is, the lower that rolling resistance will be but you don’t want to raise it too high because this will cause problems such as poor fuel economy and increased wear on your tires.

The amount of air that you put into your car’s tires can also affect how much fuel they use while driving. This is why most tire shops have an air compressor so that you can take care of all these things at home. We are going to show you how to change a tire by using a portable air gauge with our step-by-step guide below! If you’re looking for more information about Tire Safety, then please check out our article:


Tire Safety Explained – How Does It Work?

Step 1 – Check Your Tires’ Pressure

One way that you can find out if there’s enough room in your car’s tires is by checking their pressure with a portable air gauge. 

 The air pressure in your tires should be around 20 to 30 psi at all times. If the pressure is too high, then you might have a flat tire so be sure to check for this before driving on the road. You can also check your car’s tire pressure with a digital gauge  that plugs into your car’s cigarette lighter or an electric jack that you use to raise and lower your car while it’s parked.

Make sure you check your tires for any potential punctures from nails.

Step 2 – Remove The Old Tires

Once you’ve checked the pressure of your tires and found out that they’re within range, now its time to remove them from the vehicle and replace them with new ones. Always make sure that you loosen each lug nut securely before removing it completely because if there is any kind of tension between those nuts when they are loose, this could cause some damage to one of your wheels during removal so always make sure that they are loosened well enough so that they will come off without causing any damage. You can do this by using a  jack to support both wheels while they are removed.

Step 3  – Clean The Rims & Wheel Bearings

5 Easy Tire Safety Tips

For those of you who want to replace their old car tires, a great way to ensure your new tires will last longer is by cleaning and dressing your wheels properly before installing them. Remove any dirt that is in the rim brake track grooves (these channels located in the wheel bearings) using a small scrubbing brush or pipe cleaner at all times.

Completely dry off each measure and remove all grit from within these measures with 24-grit steel wool paper so that it can finally continue rotating on its own very freely without causing any problems during normal driving conditions once again.

To dress your rims for better tractioning during cold weather use an anti slip compound such as Washable Anti Slip Formula available here with our link Here . To keep your axle nuts nice and tight for optimal performance, mix some liquid dishwashing soap in with SAE 75W-90 Gear Oil  in the amount of 2 oz per quart. This will help to keep your axle nuts from loosening due to friction and also prevent them from rusting over time.

Step 4 – Install New Tires

5 Easy Tire Safety Tips

Using a jack, raise both wheels off the ground by placing an axle on each one. Now carefully install your new tires onto your rims in the same way that you removed them with but this time make sure that they are tightened properly (using a torque wrench if necessary). Once you’ve done this, then you are free to lower your car down onto its wheels again while keeping it level so as not to damage any part of it during removal or installation.

Make sure that all lugs and bolts have been fully tightened before using these tools again! A good rule of thumb is never fully tighten any lug nuts until they can be torqued perfectly without causing any kind of wobbling or shaking when turning them by hand even for just a few seconds. If there is an issue with one of your lug nuts, you can always use a socket or wrench to tighten them up again.

Step 5  – Add A New Tire Pressure Gauge

5 Easy Tire Safety Tips5 Easy Tire Safety Tips

Kensun Portable Air Compressor Pump for Car 12V DC and Home 110V

Once all of your new tires have been installed and the wheels are securely tightened down, it’s time to re-check their pressure with a digital tire gauge that plugs into your car’s cigarette lighter or an electric jack that you use to raise and lower your car while it’s parked. You will want to make sure that they are set at the proper air pressure for optimal driving performance. Always check each tire on both sides in order to verify that there is equal air pressure on each side before continuing with this step.

If there is not enough air in one tire, then it could cause uneven wear on the road surface which could lead to premature tread separation as well as making the vehicle unstable when driving down steep inclines during acceleration however if you have too much air pressure in one of your tires then this could also cause uneven wear which could lead to premature tread separation and is dangerous for tire safety.

For example, if you have too much air pressure in your front tires then the front of your car will start to lean over (to one side) when turning or cornering which could cause it to lose traction and even roll over.


We hope you found these 5 Easy Tire Safety Tips useful and if you have any questions feel free to drop us a line plus will be looking to add more content like this to the site over time.